You or a loved one is facing a serious medical issue. You want to know that you are getting the best care, have access to world-leading physicians, obtain the latest in medical research and getting the right opinion vs. a second opinion. You want to know that your outcome is not compromised by poor communication or lack of coordination. You deserve a team approach gathering the best medical staff to work for you.

Four Step Process


Gathering all of the necessary information about your particular health situation including all existing medical records, diagnostic tests, medical imaging, lab tests, etc. as applicable for your particular case.


Determining or confronting the accuracy of the diagnosis of your health condition to ensure that exactly the right experts and treatments are being identified and evaluated.


Establishing a treatment plan involving world-leading experts to address your health condition.


Ensuring the treatment plan is implemented optimally to obtain the best outcome.


You will receive customized services based on your unique medical situation and service expectations. Our Intensive Case Management service begins by assigning a clinician-led Personal Care Team to comprehensively coordinate your care. We utilize our extensive resources to ensure that you are treated by the most expert, experienced and specialized physicians. In addition, your Personal Care Team will provide information, perform research of the medical and scientific literature and provide care-related logistical support, including scheduling medical appointments, as well as provide you and your family emotional and decision-making support.

  • 24 / 7 / 365

    Reduce time from symptoms presentation to diagnosis, treatment and full health

  • Access

    Reduce patient anxiety

  • Centralization

    Collection, centralization, digitization and ongoing management of all of your medical records including availability via on online portal

  • Review

    Drastically improve quality of care

  • Research

    Reduce unnecessary costs

  • Worldwide

    Travel health support including pre-trip reports identifying the best physicians and care resources for your travel destinations as well as access to our network physicians in more than 180 countries.

Personal Care Team

As a Private Health client, you will be assigned a clinician-led Personal Care Team, responsible for coordinating all aspects of your health care. Team members include:

Physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses and/or physicians, who are trained in our unique way of managing care;

PhD’s, MD’s and PharmD’s, who investigate and review the medical literature to ensure that your care benefits from the latest advances in medicine;

Clinical care coordinators, who manage logistics, including scheduling physician appointments and following up to secure results of diagnostic tests and imaging studies; and,

Medical educators, who provide each patient customized materials about their health conditions and keep them abreast of the latest developments that may impact their treatment.


There is no other organization with the experience, expertise, relationships and resources to provide this comprehensive level of individualized attention, access and coordination.


Our highly trained clinical resources work  as teams to understand each patient’s needs and configure the scope and intensity of our support accordingly.

Physician Databases

Our physician referral specialists access these 4 databases and conduct additional research to ensure all recommendations are precisely optimized for each patient’s need.

Cancer Intensive Case Management

In addition to our rigorous four step process, for cancer diagnosis our services include carefully reviewing all of your records, conducting a definitive review of all biopsy and imaging studies, identifying and maintaining on-going communication with leading specialists regarding your case, exploring availability of clinical trials of investigative agents, and educating you on all the available treatment options. The fee structure for Cancer Intensive Case Management services can be found here (Hyperlink to fees). We customize our services for each individual based on his or her unique medical situation and service expectations, but they generally include:

Collection and Review of All Medical Records

We will collect all medical records from your physicians and review them to ensure that all issues are being fully addressed.

Molecular Diagnostics

To the extent necessary, we will ensure that you benefit from the latest developments in molecular diagnostics so that you can select treatment strategies that specifically address the exact pathways activated in your cancer and offer the most promising results.

Consultation With Leading Specialists

We will consult with leading cancer experts to discuss the array treatment options available to you and to ensure that you benefit from their expertise.

Education About Available Treatment Options

We will discuss with you the pros and cons of each of the different types of treatment options and provide you with sufficient information about what to expect so you can make an educated decision about your treatment.

Exploration of Clinical Trials

We will explore the possibility of enrolling you in a clinical trial evaluating an investigative agent or treatment protocol and will work with your physicians to adjust your current treatment regimens, as needed, to comply with the trial’s requirements.

Minimizing Side Effects

We will proactively address issues of quality of life that are typically affected by each treatment strategy and work with your physicians to minimize side effects wherever possible.

Monitoring for Treatment Response and Disease Recurrence

We will ensure that imaging studies and laboratory studies are regularly and properly conducted to ensure that we catch early any signs of poor treatment response or disease recurrence and thereby identify any need for additional or different treatments.

Decision Support

We will help you understand your health, your prognosis and your options and support you in making key choices about your care.





We look forward to providing you with the best health care available anywhere in the world.

Patient Stories


Patient Video 1


Patient Video 2


Patient Video 3